21 projects in 2021 initiated by Brookville Town Council

By John Estridge

Brookville Town Council is initiating a 21 in 21 program after action by council members in their Tuesday, January 12 meeting.

BTC President Curtis Ward announced the program at the meeting. He said it is a project initiated by the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA). He and BTC member Catherine Pelsor met with the community’s OCRA representative in November 2020.

Ward explained it is 21 projects the BTC could accomplish by the end of 2021. Other council members should elicit ideas on proposed projects and then present them to him and council member Brooke Leffingwell for approval. Also, Ward said he has contacted other community leaders such as Shelly Lunsford, Franklin County Community Foundation director.

“She had a lot of ideas and (a list) of a lot of people who could help out with this,” Ward said.

After the meeting, Ward reached out through social media for ideas and one of the first ideas presented to him was for benches to be placed outside the Works of Mercy. Located on Cliff Street, it serves free meals on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdays between 5:30-6 p.m.

He said some of the goals of the program are to promote new ideas and excitement for the town.

Anyone with ideas concerning the program should contact current BTC members, he said.

