Old Guy Rant: Outreach to a Biden voter

Political column by Larry Wiwi Like perhaps most families, mine is split on political lines and the unspoken agreement is we generally do not go very far down the political discussion path since it usually ends in sharp disagreement, perhaps even a full-blown argument. A few weeks ago I violated that agreement because I was so …

Old Guy Rant: Collective good vs. common good

Political column by Larry Wiwi, Franklin County resident The “general welfare” clause in the Constitution has been used and I would argue abused, to vastly increase the size and scope of the federal government far beyond the wise intent of the Founders. The modern Democrat party, more appropriately called the Socialist party has morphed the “common …

Old Guy Rant: Think America needs transformed? You need education

By Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi Obama used to tell us America needs to be “transformed” and now it is Biden and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Bernie Sanders, and if you are in that camp you are in need of some serious education. Is America perfect? Of course not, no country is …