There’s something about March

Column by Donna Cronk

Wait just a minute. Didn’t we just fall back? It seems as though I bemoaned the increased evening darkness just a couple weeks ago, and here we are, all sprung forward again, and most of the clocks even, displaying the correct time by now.

It’s kind of like when the dentist puts down the tools and proclaims that he’s finished with your procedure and you’re free to go.

“Already?” you say, relieved that you can relax your jaw and be on your way.

Heck, the time change means you can work out in the yard well after the supper hour, and even run a few errands before feeling as though you should be in your pajamas for the night.

But there’s something else I notice when March arrives. People sort of pop back to life from the indoor still lives they’ve been living. Within 18 hours one recent day, I had three separate invites to provide talks about my new book. Our street has more walkers walking. There’s a kind of group think that goes on. It’s a welcome mystery how this happens, but a mystery nonetheless. But maybe it’s not all that hard: People are happier and more outgoing when the weather is nicer and the light is longer.

Good weather makes everything better, and March coming in like a lamb helped us think spring thoughts. Brian’s been puttering in the garage making sure his riding mower is ready to do business; I ventured to my exercise class without wearing a heavy coat to get there, and even the crocus are blooming a rich purple.

But then, as long as it’s March, you might be wearing shorts one day, and shoveling snow by week’s end. It’s just March being March.

If you’re a basketball fan, or even if you’re not, March Madness has a way of calling your name, as do the high school basketball tournaments.

Of course, if you’ve been in the Hoosier state long, you’ve heard the one about how “tourney time means we can expect a big snow.”

March is fickle that way. It can fool you into thinking you may as well wash that winter coat and stash away your gloves, but if you do, sure as shootin’, the joke’s on you when the next day, the snow boots come out.

Unlike January and February when no doubt is there that we’re in deep winter— and who could expect anything else in Indiana, March is nothing if not unpredictable. There will be weather conditions you didn’t even know existed.

Another good thing about March is that it’s a great month to think and dream ahead. Should we plant any new shrubs or trees? Expand the garden? If someone is having a shower, wedding, or graduation open house, it’s time to assemble the guest lists and get those invites ready.

And what about a summer vacation? Or a children’s summer reading program, VBS, camp, or a summer job? Now is the time to plan and sign up and look forward to … summer.

This is not my favorite month by any stretch, but it’s not January or February, either. March is no May or June (my favorite months). But it’s its own oddball period of time.

Regardless, I say yes, please, to that extra hour of evening light, brought to you by March.

Retired New Castle Courier-Times Neighbors Editor Donna Cronk writes this column twice a month. A Union County native, Donna invites readers to her book talk and signing at 1 p.m. Saturday, April 2 at the Union County Public Library in Liberty.