Letter to the Fired Editor

Your Kids Are Liberals?  It Is Your Fault

The rioting, destruction, “cancellation” and defund police movement running rampant in many of our cities right now is more than anything the obvious proof of the failure of education.  These ignorant youths for the most part have no idea they are destroying the most successful representative republic in human history and promoting Marxism which killed about 100MM people in the last century – what educated, rational person would do that?

I have had countless encounters with my fellow conservatives bemoaning the fact that their offspring are spouting liberal ideology and they are genuinely surprised when I tell them my now adult children are fiercely conservative.  These fellow conservatives tell me their kids are liberals because of the schools and colleges and I tell them it is not the school’s fault, it is their fault.  As you can imagine, this has not helped to build a lot of friendships, but here is the hard truth:  educating the next generation is not the job of the schools and colleges, it is the job of the parents.  The schools are merely the most commonly used tools to get the task complete and if the tool is not completely effective or perhaps even defective, then you replace it or supplant as needed to get your child the proper education.

The rebuke I usually receive is “we did not want to indoctrinate our children, we wanted them to form their own views.”  That approach sounds noble but in reality, it simply gives the liberals in the schools free reign for one-way indoctrination.  My response is – did you hand your kids a knife or a power tool and tell them to figure it out or did you teach them how to safely use those tools?  Political ideas are among the dangerous items out there and our children need to be taught how to critically think through the political stuff that comes their way.

This is not empty talk – I had to teach some Algebra, writing skills and a whole lot of history and government and swore an oath I would go after any teacher pushing their personal politics in class which I am happy and I think lucky to report never happened.

Much of public education suffers from too much liberal thought and influence and that is my fault along with millions of other conservatives who chose to not pursue careers in education, but you can stop the onslaught simply by taking responsibility for your children’s education and ensuring they are exposed to the truth.

Larry Wiwi

Franklin County