For what the ISDH figures are worth: Fayette County has two additional positive COVID-19 test results, and Franklin County has one

By John Estridge from ISDH data

For what the Indiana State Department of Health daily numbers are worth, here they are.

Fayette and Franklin counties saw increases in the number of positive COVID-19 test results. Fayette County had two additional cases, bringing that county’s total to 425 while Franklin County had one more to send its total up to 316.

Union County did not have any additional positive test results ( total of 79) and all three counties did not have any COVID-19-related deaths. Those numbers remain: Franklin County, 25; Fayette County, 14; and Union County zero.

For Indiana, there were 1,171 additional positive test results, making that number 121,176 and 13 more deaths for 3,418.