ISDH says Fayette County has had 46 new COVID-19 positive test results in two days

By John Estridge from ISDH data

According to the Indiana State Department of Health, something bad is happening in Fayette County regarding COVID-19.

On Wednesday, October 7, the ISDH reported Fayette County had an additional 36 positive test results. One day later, there is another double-digit advance with the ISDH reporting 10 additional COVID-19 positive test results for a total of 478. In two days, it has increased by 46 or about 10 percent.

Fayette County’s Health Department’s Facebook page does not mention the recent positive test results.

Franklin County had two more positive test results, and Union County had one additional. That means their totals are 324 and 83, respectively.

There were no new deaths in the three counties. The totals for each county remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 14; and Union, zero.

For the state, there were 1,488 new positive test results raising that total to 129,677 and 16 deaths attributed to COVID-19, making that total 3,515.