Indiana has second straight day of record daily positive COVID-19 test results; Fayette County has four additional while Franklin County adds 2

By John Estridge from ISDH data

For the last two days, Indiana has had more COVID-19 positive test results than any other two days since statistics started to be kept in mid-March.

Friday, October 9, the daily total for positive test results in the state was 1,832. The daily total for Saturday, October 10, eclipsed that mark by more than 100 positive test results. It was 1,945, leaving the state’s total in that category 133,411.

However, the abundance of positive test results is not coming from the Whitewater Valley. Fayette County apparently had a spike in positive test results with 36 more being counted on Wednesday, October 7 and another 10 on Thursday, October 8. One was listed for Friday, October 9’s total. On Saturday, October 10, Fayette County had an additional four, making its total 488.

Franklin County had two and Union County, zero. That makes their totals 327 and 83, respectively.

There were no additional deaths in the Whitewater Valley attributable to COVID-19. That means the three counties’ totals remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 14; and Union, zero.

There were 21 additional deaths in the state reported on Saturday, making that total 3,555.