Indiana continues to break the wrong kinds of records

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Indiana had another record-breaking day for COVID-19 positive test results.

The second record in two days. It recorded 4,714 positive test results. That sent the state over the 200,000 mark in positive test results since March 17 when the ISDH began tabulating the data. It now stands at 200,823. The state also said there were 35 COVID-19-related deaths, which makes that total 4,306.

While not great, Fayette County’s positive test results actually went down from its usual 20-plus and, in some cases, 30-plus days. Fayette County recorded 19 new positive test results, making its total now 1,058. Union County and Franklin County had the same number of new ones, with eight for each county. As Union is the much smaller county population wise, the eight in Union County seems to be more meaningful.

Franklin County’s total is now 433 while Union County has 158.

There were no new COVID-19-related deaths in the three counties, leaving their totals at: Franklin, 26; Fayette, 26; and Union, zero.