Union County records its first COVID-19-related death and it is designated a red county as state sets new one-day record

By John Estridge from ISDH data

On Wednesday, November 11, Union County recorded its first COVID-19-related death, was designated as a red county and Indiana set a new one-day record in positive COVID-19 tests.

According to the ISDH COVID-19 Dashboard, a county becomes designated as a red county if the weekly cases per 100,000 residents is 200 or more and the weekly positivity rate is 15 percent or greater.

Fayette County has been designated a red county for multiple weeks. In fact, Franklin County is surrounded by red counties. Franklin County is designated orange, one step below red. That designation is for 100-199 cases per 100,000 residents and a 10-14.9 percent weekly positivity rate.

Union County’s first death was recorded on November 8, according to the website.

Indiana has a record 5,156 positive COVID-19 tests for a total of 224,374. There were 31 more COVID-19-related deaths in the state for a total of 4,512.

Fayette County had one of its lowest number of positive test results in one day with seven. Its total is now 1,131. On Tuesday, November 10, the Fayette County School Corporation announced the closing of Connersville High School for the rest of the week. There were reportedly more than 200 students absent from the high school when the decision was made. When students return on Monday, November 16, the school will go into a hybrid education mode on the model Franklin County High School is currently using.

As Fayette County’s number of positive test results in a day is going down, Franklin County’s is going up. Franklin County recorded 14 new positive test results for a total of 488. Union County had 12 more out of just 57 tests. That county’s total is now 189.

Fayette County and Franklin County did not have any COVID-19-related deaths keeping their respective totals at 27 and 25.