UCCCJSD moving to virtual-learning format at Union County High School and Middle School through the end of the month

From a letter to the parents and families of UCCCJSD students from the superintendent introduction by John Estridge

Due to increased cases of COVID-19 and positive test results in Union County, which have caused increased absences at the Union County Middle School and the Union County High School in both students and staff, the students in those two schools are going to a virtual-learning format until the end of the month.

This is a letter the UCCCJSD Supt. Aron Borowiak wrote to the students’ parents and families explaining the situation.

Union County was designated a red county by the Indiana State Department of Health. That means, according to the ISDH COVID-19 Dashboard, a county becomes designated as a red county if the weekly cases per 100,000 residents is 200 or more and the weekly positivity rate is 15 percent or greater.


Due to the increased spread of COVID-19 and the number of staff members who have been impacted at the middle school and high school, we are unable to continue to operate our buildings in-person.

As a result, we will be moving to a virtual learning environment until November 30th, when all students can return to the buildings for in-person learning.   

  • Our elementary schools will continue to operate in-person as normal.
  • Wednesday, November 11, will be an eLearning day for all Union County Middle School and Union County High School students.  Assignments will be posted for all students by their respective teachers.
  • Thursday, November 12, through and including Wednesday, November 25, will be remote learning for all Union County Middle School and Union County High School students.  Teachers will provide virtual live-streamed classes to all students following their schedules in the remote learning plan.  
  • Students without internet access will be permitted to access the building under supervision.  Schools should have a list of names who need to access the building.  Please call your school’s office if you have any questions.
  • The cafeteria will be providing grab and go pick up on Wednesday, November 18th from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. for families in the back of the middle school.  A form will be sent to families to sign-up.
  • All high school vocational students will be engaged in remote learning with the vocational school through November 30.

November 11                    – UCMS and UCHS eLearning

November 12-25              – UCMS and UCHS remote learning

November 30                    – UCMS and UCHS back to in-person learning

As a continuing practice, we will monitor the situation closely and communicate information to families regarding COVID-19 information.  

As a COVID-19 reminder, please continue to do your part by following the CDC guidelines for wearing masks, social distancing, and washing hands.  Your help is needed as we go through the Thanksgiving holiday in helping us to keep our numbers low in the county so we can open fully in-person.

Stay safe and healthy,

Aron Borowiak