Franklin County doubles its Sunday total of positive test results in ISDH’s daily update

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Franklin County doubled its number of positive test results from one day ago.

According to ISDH data published on Monday, November 16, Franklin County had 16 positive test results for a total of 547. Fayette County had an additional 19 positive test results, making its total 1,235. And Union County had five positive test results reported to ISDH for a total of 227.

There were no COVID-19-related deaths reported from the three counties leaving their numbers at: Fayette, 27; Franklin, 25; and Union, one.

It was a relatively good day for Indiana as a whole with 5,218 positive test results for a total of 256,744. An additional 26 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 for a total of 4,686.