Franklin County adds a score of new COVID-19 positive test results while Fayette County is right behind with 19

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Franklin County had 20 new COVID-19 positive test results in numbers displayed by the ISDH Thursday, November 19.

That brings Franklin County’s total to 591. Fayette County was just behind Franklin County with 19 new positive test results for a total of 1,336. Union County had three more, making its total 238.

None of the three counties had additional deaths related to COVID-19, leaving their respective totals at: Fayette, 31; Franklin, 25; and Union, one. The state recorded 7,420 new positive test results for a total of 275,503. Fifty-nine new deaths across the state were attributed to COVID-19. That total is now 4,889.