FC Commissioners respond to Health Board mask mandate

By John Estridge

During the Tuesday, July 21, Franklin County Health Board meeting, FC Commission President Tom Linkel was on speaker phone.

He initiated the long, passionate discussion on mandatory masks in the county, by stating he was not in favor of mandatory masks.

Linkel put out an official response to the unanimous health board decision to make masks mandatory for Franklin County residents and visitors to the county, and the other two commissioners gave their opinions on the matter.

Tom Linkel

“The Franklin County Commissioners have not met with respect to any mask recommendation and/or mandate from the Health Department. The Health Department, in any case, cannot take official action on behalf of the commissioners. And the commissioners cannot take action until they address it at a public meeting. The Franklin County Council has no legal authority with respect to health mandates — the public should not address concerns to them — and they presently have no plans to address it. Also, we ask the public: please do not call 911 with concerns about the mask mandate. I asked in the health department meeting to not make it a mandate for a mask. I asked for some wording if they wanted to go in that direction of ‘highly recommended when the public is not able to socially distance,’ but they did not follow my request. So many jobs, such as construction workers, farmers, office workers in their own controlled environment, people in their own cars, are just some examples that a mask mandate is not acceptable to me.”

Tom Wilson

“I’m totally against a mandate. The CDC and Fauci change their opinions like we change our underwear. One report I read says only the sick should wear them. If the mask isn’t an N95 or better it won’t filter out particles that fine.

“If you want to wear one, that’s fine; if you don’t, that’s fine, too.”

Gerald Wendel

“It’s better than shutting everything down. I see the pros and cons but to keep everything going without shutting everything down may be worth the effort. I see the disadvantages to it and advantages. People who are doing it are upset with people not doing it, and I can see that.”

2 replies on “FC Commissioners respond to Health Board mask mandate”

  1. John Estridge, I miss you doing the Brookville paper!! I have lived here my whole 62 years of life & had read the paper since I could read. Now that you’re gone, I no longer take the paper along with lots of others. Keep up the great work John! Steve Stenger

  2. Wilson and Linkel stop playing politics and use some God given common sense if you have any. The reason masks work is they catch your germs from going to others. Why do you think doctors and nurses wear them? Stop trying to please your political buddies and do what is right for everyone. The health professionals have a lot more medical expertise than you both put together. Don’t make medical decisions you are NOT QUALIFIED to make.

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