Each of the three counties record one more COVID-19-attributable death; Fayette moves to red and Franklin remains red

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Each of the three counties in the Whitewater Valley recorded another death attributed to COVID-19 in numbers supplied by the ISDH on Wednesday, November 25.

The death totals for the three counties are: Fayette County, 34; Franklin County, 27; and Union County, two.

Franklin County remains in the red category, the worse category given by the ISDH. Fayette County moved back from orange to red and Union County remains in the orange classification.

Fayette County recorded 15 new positive test results, moving its total up to 1,492. Franklin County had nine, which makes its total 699. Union County had three for 270.

Indiana had 6,059 positive test results for a grand total of 312,521 There were 63 COVID-19-attributed deaths in the state for a total of 5,232.