UC Bicentennial Committee announces essay contest and poster project for students

By John Estridge from a UC Bicentennial Committee press release

Blog UC Bicentennial Essay Contest article 1-17-21

The Union County Historical Society in conjunction with the Union County Foundation are sponsoring a Bicentennial Essay Contest and Poster Project.

Called “Voices Past and Present: Sharing Our Story” the essay contest is open to all students in Union County schools from grades 4-12. The students can be in public, private or parochial schools and it includes homeschooled students.

The categories for the contest are: grades 4-5; grades 6-8; and grades 9-12.

Organizers described what they are looking for: “History is the story of all of us. We want to learn about people in our community, the daily lives of people you know – it could be someone in your family, a friend, or a neighbor. Some of the most interesting histories come from everyday people.”

Essays should be a narrative, which tells a story, has characters, theme and dialogue.

Parameters regarding length for the essays are Grades 4-8: 350-500 words; and Grades 9-12: 500-750 words.

Rules for submissions include:

  • One entry per person. Essays received after April 1 will not be accepted for judging.
  • Essays submitted from a class group will be picked up at your school.
  • Individual essays can be submitted via email unioncountyindianahistory@gmail.com
  • If you do not have access to email or need accommodations, call 765-973-8470.
  • Each essay must include a completed entry form (https://tinyurl.com/Essay-UC) which includes:
  • Contestant’s name, address (home or school/teacher contact), phone and e-mail.
  • Name of contestant’s school with grade level
  • Number of words in essay
  • Title of essay
  • Agreement that this is contestant’s original work
  • Permission to publish

Essays must be submitted via the entry form, uploaded as a Word doc or pdf. If one needs accommodations, call 765-973-8470

All participants will receive Bicentennial Certificates. Prizes for each category include: 1st place $50; 2nd place $25; and 3rd place $15.

All essays must be postmarked by March 31. They can also be submitted via email. They should be typed or printed out. Illegible essays will not be judged. The essays also must include reference materials used including: Names and relationship of persons interviewed and other sources (i.e., family records, public records, published family history books with authors’ names, publisher, copyright date, etc.).

Judges will include representatives from the Union County Historical Society, the Union County community, and Indiana University East Campus Library.

There are 30 points possible when judging the essays. This judging criterion includes:

  • clear writing and organization of content (5)
  • written as an interesting story (narrative) about the person (5)
  • correct spelling and grammar (5)
  • adherence to contest requirements, directions followed (5)
  • content is student’s original work, sources and quotes are credited (5)
  • reflective of the theme “Voices past and present” (5)

Winnerswill be notified and presented with awards in May and recognized at the UC Bicentennial opening ceremony on June 27.

Students in K-3 have not been left out. They can take part in a poster project. Posters will be displayed  during this summer’s bicentennial events. Details for the UC 200 Poster Project are at: https://iue.libguides.com/UnionCountyIndianaHistory/Bicentennial-poster-project

The email for these projects is unioncountyindianahistory@gmail.com

For more details concerning the essay contest go to: https://iue.libguides.com/UnionCountyIndianaHistory/Bicentennial-Essay-Contest

The Union County Foundation and the Indiana University East Library are partially funding the essay contest and poster project. Organizers thank the donors of the community for their generosity in supporting the Foundation and the IU East Library staff for their community outreach support.

