Old Guy Rant: Back to the future

Political column by FC resident Larry Wiwi

Living under the illegitimate reign of Biden for less than a week, it already feels like the 1980’s three movies series Back to the Future where intentional changes to events caused the lives of an entire city to live in an awful, alternate reality.  It took Biden only a few days to implement some really bad, job destroying actions, some of which are Obama-era bad ideas including:

  • Killing the XL pipeline which will increase greenhouse gas as the oil will now be shipped by rail
  • Proposing a $15/hr minimum wage – a known and obvious job killer
  • Rejoining the Paris climate accords – never mind that under Trump we already exceeded those goals due to fracking and did not have to give money to other countries to do it
  • Highly encouraging but not yet requiring that schools allow female gender identifying males to compete on female teams – what a really odd way to promote “equality”

There has also been a lot of talk about how Trump voters are driving the admittedly sharp political divide and some of the more radical and intelligence challenged like congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez are even suggesting that we Trump supports need to be “re-educated,” which is chilling considering the “re-education” efforts carried out by Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot that killed millions in the last century.  

I suggest to you that it is nether the Democrat voters nor Trump supporters who are the primary purveyors of this divide, but rather the main stream media, Democrat party leaders and Big Tech since all three are pushing a specific liberal/left agenda and have no concern with truth and certainly not willing to engage in debate.  The recent fraudulent election is a perfect example – the evidence is there and reasonable people can have a debate about it, but instead 50-70 million of us are being told we are conspiracy nuts, all evidence is debunked and nothing to see here, time to move on.

Most Americans have immigrant ancestry and many of those who came here did so because they refused to accept the oppression of their home country and I have always believed that heritage gives Americans a propensity to stand up and fight oppression – I hope so, because I fear there is a good chance we’ll have many opportunities over the next four years

Larry Wiwi

