FC Court News (Criminal)

From the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Criminal Court

Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated

Timothy T. Bunch pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the Franklin County Security Center (FCSC) with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the Probation Users’ Fee (PUF) of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. He was ordered to pay $1,375.84 in restitution to the Indiana Department of Transportation. His Operator’s License was suspended for 180 days retroactive to the finding of Probable Cause on December 29, 2020. He was given driving privileges for work, medical and childcare purposes.

Guadalupe Moto Chapol pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 359 days suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. He was placed on probation for 359 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. His Operator’s License was suspended for 150 days retroactive to the finding of Probable Cause on June 9, 2020. As an additional condition of probation, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release and comply with all recommendations.

Battery on a Public Safety Official

Dwayne E. Littleton pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 540 days in the FCSC with 456 days suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 456 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. He was ordered to successfully complete a course in Anger Management. He also pleaded guilty to a second count of Battery on a Public Safety Official, as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 540 days with 456 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He pleaded guilty to Intimidation, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 12 months in the FCSC with 10 months suspended to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Counts I and II. He was given jail-time credit from October 9, 2020 to November 19, 2020.


Paul S. Bryant pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 30 months in the FCSC with 15 months suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 15 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. As an additional condition of probation, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release and comply with all recommendations. He was ordered to complete a course in Anger Management. He shall have no contact with the victim.

Possession of Marijuana

Christon C. Ollman pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. As an additional condition of probation, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release and comply with all recommendations.

Public Intoxication

Toni L. Vestal pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 170 days suspended to probation. She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 170 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. As an additional condition of probation, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release and comply with all recommendations. She shall enroll in and successfully complete the Rural Works Program.


Darrin C. Murray pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation to be served consecutive to a sentence imposed on a previous felony charge. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. He was ordered to stay off the property of the victim.


