FC property damage accidents from July 29 through August 3

Information provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department with the opening paragraph by John Estridge

Deer are apparently out in force in Franklin County this time of year even before the rut. Good luck to everyone during the rut.

July 29

At 4:39 a.m., Michael Voelker was operating a vehicle east on Wolf Creek Road when the vehicle struck a deer that was crossing the road. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Kyle Hartman investigated the accident.

About five hours later at 9:32 a.m., Kenneth Schrank of Ingalls, Indiana was operating a vehicle westbound on Duck Creek Road. He had just traversed the Duck Creek and McGuire Ridge roads intersection when a blue truck came towards Schrank’s vehicle left of center. Schrank swerved to the right and struck a mailbox. FCSD Deputy John Roberts investigated the accident.

July 30

Skyler Hinkle, Connersville Avenue, Brookville, at 6:21 p.m., was westbound on St. Mary’s Road when he swerved his vehicle left of center to miss tree debris on the road. He then overcorrected, causing the vehicle to rollover multiple times. FCSD Deputy Arin Roberts investigated the accident.

July 31

At 2:35 p.m., Jacob Garrett, North County Road 650 East, Batesville, was pulling into Morris Road from Pine Road. He told FCSD Deputy Brad Lecher he looked both ways before taking off from the stop sign; however, he did not see a second vehicle, driven by Robert Jewell Jr., East 11th Street, Brookville. Jewell was traveling north on Morris Road. Garrett said he pulled into the path of Jewell before being struck.

Just six minutes later at 2:41 p.m., Olivia McWhorter, Tyner, Kentucky, was operating a vehicle northbound on Indiana 1 North. A vehicle operated by Jeremiah George, Saltwell Road, Brookville, was stopped in the northbound lane of Ind. 1 waiting for a car in front of him turning left. McWhorter’s vehicle rear ended George’s vehicle. FCSD Deputy Jason Richardson investigated the accident.

Later the same day at 7:34 p.m., Thomas Smith, Pennington Road, Metamora was operating a vehicle east on U.S. 52 when he struck a deer in the road. FCSD Deputy Arin Bowers investigated the accident.

August 1

At 7:30 p.m., Maholli Offill, Dixon Road, Cedar Grove, was operating a vehicle southwest on Big Cedar Road when the vehicle lost traction and drove off the road, going over a culvert. Offill then drove the vehicle back onto the road. FCSD Deputy Dylan Enzinger investigated the accident.

August 2

At 4:50 a.m., Briann Hecker, East Fifth Street, Brookville, was operating a vehicle south on Blue Creek Road when she came upon a curve and was unable to navigate the curve. She ran off the south side of the road and struck a tree. FCSD Deputy Tyler Ford investigated the accident.

August 3

At 4:49 a.m., Barbara Ailes, Connersville, was operating a vehicle south on Ind. 1 North, when she approached the top of a hill near the intersection of Ind. 1 and Rhein Road, a group of deer attempted to cross the road at the same time. She hit one of the herd. FCSD Deputy Tyler Ford investigated the accident.