Why doesn’t God heal everyone

Theological column by Adrienne Greene


Dear Pastor,

Why doesn’t God heal everybody?


            Every Christian preacher, teacher and leader on earth would love to reply, “God does heal everyone!” But it wouldn’t be the truth—not in the way you’re asking. Most of the time, religious leaders each have different theologies surrounding what surely must be a basic requirement of a loving God. Yet depending on doctrinal beliefs and understanding of the Holy Spirit (or lack thereof), the reasons leaders use to explain this unanswered prayer will vary widely. By the way, the person crying out for healing doesn’t give a rip about any of the religious rhetoric or excuses involved. They simply want to be touched by God and healed of their affliction forever. It becomes especially difficult for that person when they attend a church or gathering where the Holy Spirit is free to heal, and many are made well…but not everyone. Why does this occur?

Let us take a look at this exact scenario playing out in Galilee, in Mark, chapter one: Jesus and his disciples have just visited Simon’s house, where his mother-in-law lay sick with a fever. Jesus approaches the woman, takes her by the hand and immediately she is healed. Word traveled fast and soon a throng surrounded her home. “Later in the day, just after the Sabbath ended at sunset, the people kept bringing to Jesus all who were sick and tormented by demons, until the whole village was crowded around the house. Jesus healed many who were sick with various diseases and cast out many demons” (Mark 1:32-34, TPT.)

In a matter of hours, we move from an instantaneous miracle in Simon’s house to some, but not all, of the villagers healed and delivered of their demons. The instrument of God’s healing, by the way, was not a charismatic preacher or a hit-or-miss TV-evangelist…this was Messiah himself. And the word “many” is not a Bible-typo. The Bible documents several healing-events which reassure us that Jesus often healed everyone: “Immediately the Pharisees went out and started to scheme about how they would destroy him. Jesus knew what they were thinking, so he left by another way. Massive crowds followed him from there, and he healed all who were sick” (Matthew 12:14, 15.) Does Jesus ever run out of healing power?

You’ve no doubt heard the religious excuses people use when their prayers for healing don’t work:

“You didn’t want it bad enough.” “Healing happens when you die and get a new body.” “God is using sickness to teach you something (it makes you stronger)” “Your unrepentant sin has blocked your healing.” And the worst, most heartless statement preachers make is, “You don’t have enough faith.” None of these assumptions, accusations and lies is correct. God is either all-powerful or he isn’t. He doesn’t take weekends off or forget to refill his healing tank. God loves and heals people, period. We either believe this or we don’t.

I think we’re asking the wrong question from the wrong perspective: When we pursue God’s miraculous healing for our lives, it is important we acknowledge both his ability to heal and our dependence upon him to accomplish it. We don’t dictate to God how and when he heals us as if we’re ordering a steak or punching an ATM machine for exact change. Instead, we approach the Most High God in full confidence that he desires to heal us—and we trust while we wait for his unfolding plan. Our presumption that we somehow deserve a miracle is rooted in pride and arrogance. Yes, we are all much-loved children of God. But we must honor God’s parental position to decide for us. He alone chooses the best possible pathway to our healing miracle.

When Jesus uttered the words “Thy will be done” that night in the garden, he demonstrated a resolute trust in God’s goodness toward him no matter what the plan held. The Father knows what we need. And he cares more than we will ever know. Our job is to accept this truth and carry on in hope-filled faith, nevertheless.

Do you have a question or comment for Pastor Adrienne? Send your inquiries to: info@adriennewgreene.com or write to P.O. Box 214, Harrison, OH 45030. For more information and resources, please visit www.askpastoradrienne.com or the “Ask Pastor Adrienne” YouTube channel for sermons and insights.



