I need to speak with the dead

A theological column by Adrienne Greene


Dear Pastor,

Is it wrong to contact the dead? I’d like to talk to someone on the other side.


            Thank you for picking up on the fact that our Christian season of Lent and Good Friday (April 2) certainly does bring death and darkness into focus: it is the day Jesus was tortured then murdered on a cross. Yet we call the day “good” because it is good news for those who believe in the Savior, Jesus Christ, who then rose from death three days later on Easter Sunday.  He has secured our passage to heaven through his blood.

            YES, it is wrong to contact the dead. The Bible is very explicit regarding activities which fall under paganism, occultism, witchcraft, white magic and black magic—countless scriptures dealing with what God calls, “divination,” easily located via a simple internet search of the word. What is the Bible saying? These practices are rooted in satanic magic and are forbidden; they are counterfeit activities seeking to impersonate Holy Spirit powers, yet in fact, draw down evil sources of the supernatural. When we participate in anything Satan authors, we inadvertently partner with him and open a door within our minds, bodies and souls. Once doors are open to darkness; demonic influence walks through those openings. It then begins operating harmful, if not, lethal agendas which are clearly stated by Jesus: “The Devil comes only to steal and kill and destroy.” Jesus also explained in that same scripture that he, the Savior, is the one who brings us life (not death.) “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.” (John 10:10, 11) Jesus then leaves questions for us to answer: Do we believe the Bible is true? Are we seeking life or death?

When we are pursuing supernatural realms of darkness (like speaking with the dead), we are setting God aside and trying to work around him through powerful means he has declared forbidden. While this may seem exiting, daring, and rebelliously taboo, it is dangerous. Further, when we love someone, we want to be their priority; their focus. Christians say, by the label they wear, that they love God. Yet using anti-Christian means to accomplish anything clearly does not communicate our love to God. We lie when we say we love God yet involve ourselves in what he forbids.

God also tells us in Scripture that our trust in him must be a priority. If we believe Jesus is our Savior, then we’ve signed up for a relationship with Almighty God. Like any relationship, it must be built on trust. When someone contacts the dead, they are usually looking for information. Yet God has given us prayer and prophecy to find that information we seek; and the Holy Spirit delivers it to us personally. We must trust that God provides our answers in this way and in his time—not on-demand like a medium, psychic or fortune teller who has been paid to deliver their services. Those individuals do indeed have power, but it is not from God. They do contact beings in another realm, but it is rarely the person their patron is seeking. Most of the time, entities contacted on the other side are demons impersonating someone we love. It’s what they do as predators. Predators? Yes. Most demons require a body, a human being, to host their evil spirit and successfully infiltrate this world to accomplish their work. Even this fact is a perfect example of the Devil’s counterfeit of our indwelling, Holy Spirit. As believers, we become hosts of our God. The Enemy seeks hosts for his gods, too.

            When someone we love dies, we must trust the Lord more than ever. He was the author of their life and the lover of their soul. We must trust that God has handled their death and afterlife via his kind, compassionate and loving means. We cannot change circumstances, regardless, so we must find a way to choose life and not seek death. God is near to the broken-hearted, my friend. He will get you through this, I promise.

Do you have a question or comment for Pastor Adrienne? Send your inquiries to: info@adriennewgreene.com or write to P.O. Box 214, Harrison, OH 45030. For more information and resources, please visit www.askpastoradrienne.com or the “Ask Pastor Adrienne” YouTube channel for sermons and insights.




