Statement BTC President Curtis Ward read at end of May 11 meeting and then he placed on Facebook

From Curtis Ward’s Facebook page

I wanted to end tonight’s meeting with a statement and a call to action for our community. Since our last meeting, and especially last week, social media has been ugly. What I’ve seen and heard is not representative of the community I believe we live in. I’ve always loved brookville. I love the small town atmosphere, I love the places and businesses, and I love the people. I did not love what I witnessed last week.

It seems to me that over the past few years that it’s become seemingly more popular to be divisive and critical of each others (sic) and ideas. The notion of you can’t be right if i feel I’m right prevails. There is no opportunity to have a healthy debate and simply agree to disagree.

Last week was a great example of that. Assumptions and conspiracies prevailed. Common courtesy and respect did not.

I read accusations against board members, heard accusations and severe criticism of employees, and listened as friends and family recanted tales of unwarranted comments about the board and our town.

That is not the community I believe we live in. That is not the community we all work tirelessly to improve.

Tim Ripperger, I personally apologize for the comments others made against you. You are an extraordinary asset to the town. Your dedication over decades is not unnoticed or unappreciated

For those in our community that reached out with words of encouragement or to offer to help those in need who were given notices to improve properties last week, thank you. You are the examples of the Brookville I believe in.

Finally, to all of my fellow community members, let’s all strive to be better. Take a moment to fact check stories and accusations before spreading them as if they were gospel. Take the time to spread joy and positivity over fear and negativity. And most importantly, Be Kind.

Brookville Town Council President

Curtis Ward
