Another COVID-19-related death in Fayette County; all three counties are worse when compared to a week ago

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County is now considered a red county in the ISDH color-coding scheme.

In the color-coding scheme, red signifies the worst of the counties, orange is next bad, yellow is a step down and blue is the best. Union County is now orange and Franklin County is yellow. South of Franklin County’s border Dearborn and Ohio counties are also red for the second week in a row.

Last week both Union and Franklin counties were blue.

On the daily update, Fayette County had another COVID-19-related death, bringing its total to 22. It is the third death in the last two days. Fayette County had an additional 20 people test COVID-19 positive. This is the seventh day out of the last eight Fayette County has had 20 or more positive test results each day. Sunday, October 25, the number was seven.

In those seven days with 20 or more positive test results, Fayette County had 220 positive test results. Add the seven and that is 227. Fayette County’s total is now 810.

For Wednesday, October 28, Fayette County’s 20 new positive test results came from 90 tests given for a 22 percent rate.

Union County had six positive test results out of just 21 tests given for a 29 percent positive test rate. Its total of positive test results is now 124. There have been no COVID-19-related deaths in that county.

Franklin County had five positive test results out of 48 tests performed. That is a 10 percent rate. Franklin County’s total is 388. Its COVID-19-related deaths remain at 25.

For the state, there were 2,587 positive test results for a total of 169,112. And 33 people were said to have died from virus-related reasons, bringing that total to 3,991.