Another death in FC attributed to COVID-19, bringing the number to 24; positive test results went up by five in FC and one in UC

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Franklin County’s number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 went up by one to 24, while the number of positive COVID-19 test results increased by five to 270.

Franklin County Health Department has always put out information on the gender and age of those whose deaths have been attributed to COVID-19. The way it was done was through its Facebook page. Apparently, the page has been taken down or there is a technological problem with the page. The lack of a Facebook page occurred after a person commented, on the Brookville Chatter Facebook page, his mother was listed as the 23rd COVID-19-related victim, and he said she did not die from the virus.

It is not known if the two situations are related.

Union County’s number of positive COVID-19 results increased by one to 59. There have been no COVID-19-related deaths recorded in UC. For the state, the number of COVID-19-related deaths increased by six to 3,047 while the number of positive test results went up by 1,164 to 90,504.

One reply on “Another death in FC attributed to COVID-19, bringing the number to 24; positive test results went up by five in FC and one in UC”

  1. Very interesting observation! It’s also interesting to note that UC which shares borders with FC has had 0 deaths related to the Wuhan Flu. Are people in FC that much more susceptible to this “Pandemic” and are perishing at a 100% rate greater than UC patients, or are the Doctors treating them differently? Or, should we follow the money?

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