Another large number of COVID-19 positive test results reported in Fayette County and the state as a whole

By John Estridge from ISDH data

At the Franklin County Community School Corporation Board of Trustees meeting Monday night, October 12, Franklin County High School Counselor Whitney Gillman gave a presentation on extending the hybrid learning system at FCHS.

Part of her presentation was highlighting the COVID-19 daily numbers of positive test results within Indiana. She noted seven of the top eight days of positive COVID-19 tests are from October. Monday, October 12, fit on that list, coming in at 1,581. That is the third highest on record since it became a statistic in mid-March.

The total of positive test results in Indiana is at 136,555.

Fayette County, which has been having an uptick in the last week, went up again with the numbers reported Monday. There were eight more positive test results, taking Fayette County’s total number to more than 500 at 506.

Union County had one more positive test result, making its total 85. Franklin County had zero positive test results, keeping that total at 327.

There were no additional deaths attributable to the virus in the three counties, which means the number of deaths thought to be attributable to the virus remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 14; and Union, zero.

There were six additional deaths in the state, making that total 3,568.