FC property damage accidents from March 9 through March 13

Provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department March 9 Kristen Amburgey, Combs Lane, Laurel, at 7:38 a.m., was operating a vehicle south on Davison Road when a deer jumped in front of her vehicle. She said she did not have enough time to react before striking the deer. Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Jeremy Noah …

FC arrests from March 9 through March 12

Provided by the Franklin County Sheriff’s Department March 9 Jeremiah B. Curtsinger, 36, Fairfield Avenue, Brookville, was arrested at 6:04 p.m., by Franklin County Sheriff’s Department Deputy K. Hartman, along Indiana 101 for Driving while Suspended Prior Suspension within 10 Years. March 10 Harold Bowman, 44, South County Road 375 West, Connersville, was arrested at …

Teachers are now eligible for vaccine at any available site in Indiana

Indiana State Department of Health press release INDIANAPOLIS — The Indiana Department of Health announced today that Indiana educators up to grade 12 and other school support staff can now sign up for a free COVID-19 vaccine at any Indiana vaccination clinic. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, eligible individuals include teachers …

Indiana 252 is open ahead of schedule

Indiana Department of Transportation press release Indiana Department of Transportation contractor GeoStabilization International has completed slide repair work on Indiana 252 east of Brookville in Franklin County. The road is now open between the Whitewater River Bridge and Smith Road. Under the closure, crews constructed a soil nail wall to repair and stabilize a 920-foot …

Regulating proposed solar energy farms comes closer to reality following a FC APC public hearing, maybe

By John Estridge The process of approving a new section to the Franklin County Zoning Code to regulate solar energy farms is like watching a tennis match. Going back and forth between the Franklin County Commissioners and the Franklin County Area Plan Commission, the ball, which in this case is the proposed additional section, has …

Obituary for Robert Lewis Oakley (complete)

ROBERT LEWIS OAKLEY Robert Lewis Oakley, 54, of College Corner, Ohio, passed away Monday, March 8, 2021, at Bethesda North Hospital in Cincinnati. Robert was born to Virgil H. and Marjorie E. Oakley on April 15, 1966, in Hamilton, Ohio. Over the years he was employed as an electrical lineman for various power companies and …

BTC’s 21 by 21 projects are announced with one being 50-50 grant for new sidewalks for property owners

By John Estridge Early this year, Brookville Town Council President Curtis Ward launched a program for the town, 21 By 21. Soliciting public input, Ward wants to do somewhat small projects around the town that can be yet accomplished this calendar year. The guiding principles are: Do what we can when we can and eliminate …

FC Court News (Civil and Small Claims)

Provided by the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office Civil Court Judgment Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs. Brian Pease for the plaintiff in the amount of $845.26 plus costs together with post-judgment interest at the rate of 8 percent from February 22, 2021, until satisfied. Bank of America, N.A. vs. Cathleen L. Tepe for the plaintiff …

BTC President Curtis Ward answers questions about new town hall project (INCLUDED EDITORIAL COMMENT FROM THE FIRED EDITOR)

By John Estridge A series of questions was sent by this Fired Editor to the Brookville Town Council concerning funding for the proposed new Brookville Town Hall. They were answered both verbally and in writing by BTC President Curtis Ward at the March 9 BTC meeting. Let’s start with the last question first and then …

New town hall’s construction could begin by July; public will be told at some time before then of details

By John Estridge Brookville Town Council members unanimously hired GM Development LLC to design, find financing for and build the proposed new town hall in Brookville. It was the only company which applied. And it is the company currently building the Brookville Aquatic Center. Another company expressed interest in applying, but BTC President Curtis Ward …