Library Corner

From Susan Knight, director of the Franklin County Public Library District Current Hours: Monday through Friday 1 to 6; Saturday, 1 to 4. Expanded Services: The Libraries are open for “Grab-&-Go: services. Patrons who want to enter the buildings to select books, movies, magazines, etc. may do so. Computers will be available by appointment. Brookville’s study rooms …

Franklin County’s number of positive COVID-19 test results increase by two

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County was the only county in the three-county Whitewater Valley to have an increase in any COVID-19-related numbers. Its numbers for positive test results were increased by two to 313. Fayette and Union counties’ numbers remained constant at 423 and 79, respectively. None of the counties saw any …

Old Guy Rant: Think America needs transformed? You need education

By Franklin County resident Larry Wiwi Obama used to tell us America needs to be “transformed” and now it is Biden and the likes of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Bernie Sanders, and if you are in that camp you are in need of some serious education. Is America perfect? Of course not, no country is …

FC Real Estate transfers from May 15 through May 26

From the Franklin County Recorder’s Office From May 15 to May 26 Quit Claim Deed: Raymond E. Logan to Raymond E. Logan and Michele Beth Logan; land in Laurel Township. Transfer on Death Deed: Michael R. Hultman and Linda C. Hultman to Jeffrey M. Hultman; Lot 41, Phase 2, Farmington Estates. Warranty Deed: David E. …

UC August marriage licenses

From the Union County Clerk’s Office Brittany Ann Chasteen, 33, and Jason David Marcum, 36. Brian Dean Breen, 61, and Mary B. Parrett, 53. David Joseph Haarmeyer, 21, and Ashley Nicole Horn, 22. Andrew Jacob Cole, 21, and Hayley Marie Pipenger, 22. Jesse Allen Voegele, 49, and Connie Jean Schmidt, 47. David Allen Burress, 21, …

Pointed comments, varied opinions during Franklin County Council 2021 Budget Hearing

By John Estridge It was the proverbial good news/bad news scenario for Franklin County Council members when their financial consultant talked about the 2021 budget at their September meeting recently. The good news is based on new information: the General Fund budget will actually come through with a $27,000 surplus when it was thought to …

Franklin County has an additional two COVID-19 positive test results while Fayette County registers one more

By John Estridge from ISDH data Franklin County had two COVID-19 positive test results for the second day in a row, bringing that county’s total to 311. Fayette County added one to its 423 total of positive test results, and Union County had zero. Deaths related to COVID-19 remained the same for all three counties: …

All three Whitewater Valley counties see increase in COVID-19 positive test results

By John Estridge from ISDH data Whitewater Valley’s three counties: Franklin, Fayette and Union all saw an increase in COVID-19 positive test results on Saturday, September 26. Franklin County had two more positive test results, bringing that county’s total to 309. Fayette and Union counties each had one additional positive test result, making those numbers …