Bad COVID-19 numbers day all way around

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Indiana had another record breaking day while all three counties in the Whitewater Valley had elevated numbers of COVID-19 positive test results.

There were 6,654 positive test results in the state bringing its total to 230,965. Also, the state compiled 51 deaths associated with COVID-19. The state’s total is now 4,563.

Franklin County had an additional 15 positive test results for a total of 500. Fayette County, after one day in single digits, had another 29 for a total of 1,160. Union County almost went double digits finishing at nine for a total of 198.

None of the three counties had any deaths attributed to the COVID-19. That leaves the totals at: Fayette, 27; Franklin, 25; and Union, one.