Old Guy Rant: Biden’s lies about Second Amendment

Political column by Larry Wiwi, FC resident

By now you have heard all sorts of commentary on Biden’s executive orders and attempts to take a couple more steps toward the Democrat’s goal of disarming American citizens, but just in case you read the NYT, or listen to CNN, here are some very simple, verifiable facts you should know.

First, there is no such thing as an “assault weapon,” – that term was invented by anti-gunners because they think certain forms of semi-automatic rifles are scary looking and as such want you to be afraid of them.  In truth all guns are assault weapons and all guns are defense weapons, the difference is literally in the hands of the person holding it and their intent.

Biden stated that gun manufacturers are the only industry that are not liable for the product they make – absolutely a bald face lie.  If you buy any firearm and operate it as instructed by the manufacturer with the proper ammunition and it injures you, you can absolutely sue the gun maker with common product liability laws.  Biden wants to make gun manufacturers liable for damage caused by people who misuse the product by for example shooting innocent people in restaurants, stores or schools – this is no different than suing Ford Motors because some drunk driver, driving a Ford injures you – patently absurd.

The commander-in-thief also claimed he was going to close the “gun show loophole,” perpetuating the myth that you can go to a gun show and buy a firearm from dealers without a background check – again a total lie.  I have personally purchased and frequently witnessed the purchase of firearms at gun shows and those licensed sellers require you to fill out the same federal background check form that you do if you buy from any licensed firearms store – the same form that we now know Hunter Biden falsely filed.  Private citizens do bring firearms to gun shows for the purpose of potential sale or trade and they may buy or sell with another private citizen and there is no background check.  That may sound a little reckless to you, but keep in mind any day of the week you could advertise a gun for sale and legally sell it to another non-felon American citizen with no background check.

Finally, there is this notion that certain firearms are “weapons of war” and have no place in American homes.  If Biden or Harris really understood the 2nd Amendment, they would know the real purpose of the 2nd Amendment is to ensure that Americans always have the ability to overpower their government in the event that government becomes too overbearing or dictatorial and if it takes a “weapon of war” to achieve that end, count me in.

Larry Wiwi




