BTC members decide not to move forward with alley vacation

By John Estridge

Brookville Town Council members decided to take no action on a resident’s request to close an alley between Main Street and Connersville Avenue.

Connersville Avenue resident Julia Teuschler went before BTC members at their October 13 meeting to request the vacation due to security issues.

She also said it had not been paved since 2004, and it would be nice to have less traffic even though she said it was not well used because it is so narrow.

Teuschler said she wanted it blocked halfway up the alley.

At that time, BTC President Mike Biltz said he would have to check with emergency services and see if the alley closing would put hardships on ambulances, fire and police responding to calls in the area.

At the Tuesday, October 27 meeting, Biltz and others said they heard from area residents who were not in favor of the closing. One person did not want to lose snow removal in the alley.

Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger said there are town utilities along the alley, and it should not be vacated because after a vacation, the alley’s ownership is usually shared by the adjacent property owners. And the town may need to access its utilities, which it can easily do as long as it remains an alley.

Also, town attorney Tammy Davis said there is a formal procedure for a property owner to go through to get an alley or a street vacated. It is not something that should be initiated by the town council.

Council member Curtis Ward said a letter should be sent, telling Teuschler the steps that should be taken by a resident if that resident wants to vacate an alley or a street.