BTC members hear parking meter replacement and Sixth Street parking lot updates

By John Estridge

Two of the topics of conversation at the Brookville Town Council meeting were related. They were: parking spaces and parking meters.

Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger reported on the statuses of the parking meter replacement process and the proposed parking lot in the empty lot near Sixth and Main streets.

BTC members want to replace all the older parking meters with the new-style parking meters, which have been along Main Street since the Main Street repaving and sidewalk project was completed several years ago.

Ripperger said another 23 meters and assorted accessories will be purchased for $12,095.25. These will be placed on the streets to the east side of Main Street. Rosenberger’s Lot still has to be done. Also, it is planned to make Fifth Street to Progress Street to Fourth Street one way. Nothing is going to be done toward replacing the parking meters along those streets until the plans for the one-way streets are finalized.

Making the streets one way is being done so Valley House Flats can have more parking spaces for tenants. It has been considered to have angle parking on Fifth Street on the north side of that street. Angle parking on the east side of Progress and no plans have been made public for which side of Fourth Street will have angle parking.

Ripperger also updated council members on the Sixth Street lot.

He said the Brookville Redevelopment Commission is awaiting engineer drawings for the lot. However, it will have at least seven parking spaces. However, there will be two parking spaces lost for an entrance to the parking lot from Sixth Street, making it a net gain of five parking spaces.

No decision has been made whether the lot will be metered. And Ripperger said there is no timetable for completion of the lot.