BTC proposes water and sewage rate increases to begin this year

By John Estridge

Percentage wise Brookville’s sewer rates will skyrocket in the next three years.

However, Brookville Town Administrator Tim Ripperger said the present rates are so inexpensive compared to other area towns, the rates will remain near the bottom of that list even after the increases.

Brookville Town Council members propose for the sewer rates to increase by 20 percent in the first year (2021), 3 percent the second year and 3 percent the third year. Water rates are to increase by 5 percent the first year (2021) and then 3 percent in each of the next two years.

BTC member Brooke Leffingwell made a motion, and the other council members unanimously agreed to increase the rates for out-of-town customers by 50 percent.

According to Ripperger, the average water bill for an in-town family using 4,000 gallons a week is $10.07 per month and for out-of-town users, $12.58. The average current sewage bill for a family at 4,000 gallons is $25.40 per month.

Ripperger said the last rate increase was in 2015.

According to BTC President Curtis Ward, Baker Tilly began a rate study either in 2019 or 2020 and just finished it. It was delayed by the pandemic. The company actually suggested a larger increase than what council proposed, he said.

Council members did not say how the new money will be used or if there is a specific project or projects in mind.

BTC voted unanimously to begin the legal ads for the rate increase and will hold a public hearing at its 7 p.m., Tuesday, February 9, meeting. Unlike a regular BTC meeting where the public is not allowed to speak, at a public hearing, the public will be allowed to speak, Ward said.

The rate hikes will be adopted at the February 23 meeting, Ward said.

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