CORRECTION to the article about impassioned plea for salary adjustment for FC health nurse

I misquoted Jennifer Profitt in one paragraph in the article. This is the quote:

“It seems to me, not only as a board member, but the pandemic has two particular individuals in our community, the coroner and our health department supervisor, for being asked to do jobs that they didn’t sign contracts for,” she continued. “These are extraordinary times. And it seems to me (salary adjustment is) the least you can do especially for the health department and the hostility they receive. And they’re not getting support from the (county) commissioners in dealing with citizenry who are not in compliance.”

She actually said in the last sentence “I know we are getting good support from the commissioners in dealing with citizenry who are not in compliance.”

My apologies to Jennifer and the commissioners.

One reply on “CORRECTION to the article about impassioned plea for salary adjustment for FC health nurse”

  1. John! Thanks for the correction. Our commissioners have been most helpful in many ways to our health department. Thanks again for the good coverage of the meeting. Best, Jennifer. Thanks!!!!

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