Damaging mud coming off Million Dollar Hill following construction at the top of the hill

By John Estridge

James Cox is the third generation of his family living at the bottom of Million Dollar Hill off Indiana 101 just north of First Financial Bank.

The recent heavy rain has left a mass of mud in his yard. The mud went all the way across Ind. 101 to the St. Michael Cemetery gates.

And his grandmother and his dad, who lived there before him, and James never had trouble with mud prior to the recent construction on Million Dollar Hill. Now he is in fear the mud will damage his house as it has already damaged his property.

According to Cox, the developers have cut trees and excavated on the hill, apparently making the problems with the mud. It is eerily similar to the situation on Progress Street where the hill was denuded, and it caused the hill to slide, damaging the street.

Cox said the developers apparently filled in the natural drains — run offs — and the drainage has shifted. This has caused the water and mud to find new paths down the hill.

“It’s a man-made problem that needs to be fixed,” Cox said.

James called the Brookville Town Police, but the responding officers told him there was little they could do besides write a report.

Brookville Town Council members have been proactive with the new development on Million Dollar Hill. It seems to be part of BTC’s plan to annex the Reservoir Hill Road area. People within the area of the proposed annexation get one vote for every lot they own. The developers will be able to vote 40 times, if they create 40 lots, for the annexation.

BTC President Curtis Ward purchased nine empty lots adjacent to Pig in a Poke Golf Course on July 7, about one month before the town moved to purchase the golf course for $1 million.



