Democrats: The Party of Death & Destruction

By Larry Wiwi

It sounds like political hysteria to broad brush a political party with the charge of being in favor of death and destruction and that attitude certainly does not apply to the typical moderately involved  Democrat voter, but at the policy and action level it is true and becoming more so as the party continues its leftward drift.

Consider first the party’s unflinching and relentless support of abortions, some even going as far as killing or allowing to die a baby who survives an abortion.  Party leaders never acknowledge that Planned Parenthood has roughly 70% of their operations in poor and/or minority dominant neighborhoods resulting in about 30% of all abortions being performed on African American women though African Americans are about 13% of the total population.

Democrats have long governed the cities with the highest crime rates and shootings – Chicago, and Baltimore for example with no effort or no successful efforts to address the issues despite the fact that Republican Mayor Giuliani’s miraculous results in New York City provide the blueprint.

It was the Democrats who pushed through Obamacare that would limit medical services to certain individuals and in one infamous 2013 case was about to let Sarah Murnaghan, a 10 year old girl suffering from Cystic Fibrosis die because she “did not meet the criteria” – a decision that was only reversed under intense public outcry

More recently it was the Democrat governors of New York and New Jersey, Cuomo and Murphy respectively who ordered COVID diagnosed patients into nursing homes resulting in the extraordinary high death rates for those two states, far and away the worst death rates per million than any other states in the country.  One might argue they did not know COVID was so deadly to the elderly to which the logical reply is:  Has there ever been a flu-like virus or any virus for that matter, that is not substantially more deadly to the elderly?  The answer of course is no.  At best these governors are guilty of extraordinarily poor judgement and leadership and should likely be charged with manslaughter.

Finally, we have the recent demonstrations that rapidly degenerated into crime ridden, property destroying riots in Democrat governed cities and what is the Democrat leaders’ response?  Defund the police and use the courts to keep Federal law enforcement out as the cities burn and law abiding citizens suffer.

Larry Wiwi, Franklin County