Demonic attacks explained and defeated

A theological column by Adrienne Greene


Dear Pastor,

I think I’m being regularly attacked by demons in my dreams. What do I do?


            Now more than ever, I’m receiving emails from folks who experience what I call “demonic harassment” in their lives. ​Unfortunately, we are dealing with a situation in America right now where the rise of evil in the natural realm is stirring up the darkness in the supernatural realm. Christians like you and me are enduring the results. Nightmares, anxiety attacks, demonic confrontations, paranormal disturbance—all types of strange events have ticked-up a notch in recent months. As scary as that sounds, we have no reason to fear and every reason to thrive: “In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33, NASB.) Jesus has already sentenced evil. Our job now is to recognize the power we have in Christ to destroy the darkness which unlawfully comes against us. FYI, most demonic invaders will flee the moment the name of Jesus Christ is spoken through the lips of a Christian.

Since I’m often asked, I’m prepared to reference four ways the Bible unveils our strategy against evil:

One: The Devil has no right to torment a believer in Christ unless he has permission. (Job 1:6-12) So when the Enemy comes to attack, he is looking for several qualifiers to see if we are ideal prey: Are we a practicing Christian or a hypocrite? Do we engage in repeated, sinful behaviors? Has our bloodline ever been cleansed in Christ? (This has to do with generational sin.) Do we love our neighbor?

​Unfortunately many people consider themselves Christian but do not take God seriously when choosing a lifestyle. What does a Christian life look like? Christians attend church regardless of the times, mandates or seasons (Hebrews 10:25); Christians put ten-percent of their income in the offering plate (Malachi 3:9-11); they ​abstain from sexual immorality in all of its forms (1 Corinthians 6:9); they love (John 13:34, 35); they forgive (Matthew 6:15); and they seek a relationship with Jesus, not just a religion about him (Matthew 6:33.) When we dismiss any of these biblical mandates, we invite the Devil’s attention because we lie. We say we are Christian but we don’t live like one.

Tool two: Humans are imperfect and everyone sins. You are not condemned if you have accepted Christ as your Savior (Romans 8:1.) However, the Bible does require confession and repentance when we understand our wrongs—a full turning away from them. If we then return to that particular sin, we are intentionally disobeying God. Willful disobedience will highlight our rebellion and evil will attack us. Case in point: Jonah and the whale.

Tool three: Someone in our bloodline left the door open to the Devil. Generational sin is a concept not taught in numerous churches, which is why so many people are suffering under demonic oppression. According to Numbers 14:8, sin may attach itself to four generations of a family line. We are not condemned for our forefathers’ wickedness, but we do suffer for it. Generations of alcoholics? Obesity? Atheists? Abuse? Now in Christ, we have the authority to close every door to evil that was flung open in ignorance and sin…because we now have the redeeming blood of Christ cleansing us. Jesus came to fulfill the Old Testament Law, not abolish it (Matthew 5:17), so Satan’s legal application of Old Testament scriptures becomes one of his favorite ploys.

Tool four: we must acknowledge and embrace the importance of what is called “deliverance ministry.” The website, sells a breakthrough text every Christian must read: SOZO: Saved, Healed, Delivered by Teresa Liebscher and Dawna DeSilva. It will explain the strategies and pathways of darkness; the Devil’s doors of torment; and a tutorial on how to heal our lives and overcome all forces of evil. If you are a Christian interested in the coming revival, I highly recommend this book.

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