Fayette and Franklin counties COVID-19 positive test results increased by six each while Union County’s goes up by three

By John Estridge from ISDH data

All three counties in the Whitewater Valley saw increases in COVID-19 positive test results.

Fayette County has had a resurgence in positive test results and Wednesday, October 14, was no different. Fayette County was listed as having six additional positive test results, making that county’s total 518.

Franklin County also had six additional positive test results, the highest total in several days, which means it now has 335 positive test results. And Union County had three positive test results, again the highest in several days, with that county’s total now at 88.

There were no COVID-19-related deaths in the three counties. And those totals remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 14; and Union, zero.

Indiana’s total of positive test results is down slightly from what it has been for several days. It recorded 1,172 positive test results, increasing the total to 139,269. There were 14 additional deaths attributed to the virus, making that total 3,609.