Fayette and Union counties numbers of COVID-19 positive test results increase

By John Estridge from ISDH data and Franklin County Commissioners’ reports

Franklin County Commission President Tom Linkel gave an in-depth COVID-19 update at the commissioners’ meeting Tuesday morning, October 6.

Linkel does that at each commissioners’ meeting because the Franklin County Health Department disbanded the COVID-19 task force, which gave weekly updates until it was disbanded.

According to Linkel, there have been 319 positive test results since all this began in mid-March. Of that number, 279 have recovered. Fifteen are currently being monitored with four in the hospital. Those who are currently positive are between the ages of 20-60.

There are no known hot spots, and there has not been a recent spike or decline in the numbers.

Linkel said people should continue what people have been doing to this point: wearing masks, washing hands and social distancing.

In the daily update from the Indiana State Department of Health, Fayette and Union counties saw increases in their positive test totals. Fayette County went up by two to 432, while Union County added one, which makes its total 82.

There were no other COVID-19-related deaths in the three counties with the numbers remaining: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 14; and Union, zero.

For the state, there were 990 additional positive test results, making that total 126,946. There were also an additional 30 deaths, bringing that total to 3,484