Fayette County had an additional COVID-19-related death reported Monday, November 9

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County had another COVID-19-related death, making its total 27.

However, the numbers of cases are not increasing in the three counties within the Whitewater Valley as quickly as they have in the past few weeks.

For Fayette County, it had a dozen new positive test results. That is the lowest since seven were recorded on Sunday, October 25. Fayette County now has 1,112 positive test results. Franklin County had three, raising its total to 462, and Union County had four – its lowest total in several days – for a total of 172.

Franklin and Union counties did not have any additional COVID-19-related deaths, leaving their totals at: Franklin, 25; and Union, zero.

Indiana had 4,213 positive test results, another relatively low total since Indiana routinely broke into the 4,000-plus level about a week ago. Its grand total is now 214,509. Indiana had an additional 34 deaths blamed on the virus, putting that total at 4,418.