Fayette County has 30 new positive COVID-19 test results reported to ISDH on Wednesday, October 21

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County had 30 additional positive test results, according to ISDH’s Wednesday, October 21, daily update.

The 30 positives came out of 255 tested for a percentage of 12.

That makes Fayette County’s total of positive test results at 614. Also, Wednesday is the day for Indiana to come out with its color-coded expression of how a county is faring regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. Fayette County is orange, the next to worst a county can be.

Union and Franklin counties went from blue, the best rating for a county, to each of them being yellow, a step better than orange.

Union County had two positive test results out of 22 tested, which means a positive test result percentage of 11. Franklin County went up by one to 366. Union County’s total is 106.

There were no new COVID-19-related deaths in the three counties, meaning the numbers remain: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 17; and Union, zero.

Indiana had 1,766 new positive test results, for a total of 152,396. There were 15 additional deaths attributed to COVID-19, making that total 3,790.