Fayette County has an additional three more COVID-19-related deaths; Franklin County goes to red status

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County recorded three more deaths in the statistics released Wednesday, November 18, by the Indiana State Department of Health.

While it also recorded 27 more positive test results, Fayette County was downgraded from red to orange on the ISDH’s color-coded map. Union County was also moved down from red – the worst designation – to orange, which is one step down.

Conversely, Franklin County was moved up to the red status. Last week there were nine counties in the state in the red including Fayette and Union counties. This week there are 21. Joining Franklin County from this area are: Ripley, Decatur and Dearborn counties.

Fayette County now has a total of 31 COVID-19-related deaths and 1,317 positive test results. Franklin County has a dozen new positive cases, the second straight day for that number and now has 571 positive cases to go along with 27 deaths.

Union County added five more positive test results for a total of 235 and maintains one COVID-19-related death.

For the state, it had an additional 6,143 positive test results for a total of 268,222 and 50 more deaths for a total of 4,830 deaths.