Fayette County has two new deaths associated with COVID-19

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County recorded two more deaths related to COVID-19, according to data released by the ISDH on Tuesday, October 20.

That raises the Fayette County total deaths to 17. Fayette County also recorded nine more COVID-19-related test results, making that total 585. There were 57 people tested in that time span, which means 16 percent of those tested were positive. Franklin County had two new positive test results for a total of 365. Union County had two positive results out of a dozen people tested, making its rate 17 percent. Union County has a total of 104 positive test results.

Franklin and Union counties did not have any more deaths related to COVID-19, which means their respective totals remain 25, and zero, respectively.

For the second day in a row, Indiana had less than 2,000 new positive test results. It had 1,551. Its grand total is now 150,664. There were 48 deaths associated with COVID-19, making the state’s total 3,775.