Fayette County records two more COVID-19-related deaths and another 23 positive test results

By John Estridge from ISDH data

Fayette County had two more deaths officials said were related to COVID-19.

That brings Fayette County’s total to 21.

Fayette County also had an additional 23 positive test results. That makes the sixth day out of the last seven where the number of positive test results was double digits. On Sunday, October 25, Fayette County had seven positive test results. Over the last seven days, counting Sunday, Fayette County’s had 207 positive test results. Throw out Sunday and in six days, Fayette County had 200 positive test results, an average of 33.3 positive test results per day. The 23 reported in the Tuesday report came on 153 tests given, making it a 15 percent positive rate.

The county’s total of positive test results is now at 790.

Union County had four positive test results out of 29 tests given for a 14 percent rate. Union County now has a total of 118.

Franklin County did not have any positive test results, but only 15 tests were recorded in that time.

There were no COVID-19-related deaths reported in Franklin and Union counties, leaving that total at 25 and zero, respectively.

In Indiana, there were 2,062 positive test results, making that total 166,564. And there were 51 deaths, raising that figure to 3,958.