FC Commission President Tom Linkel made an announcement about the recent uptick in COVID-19 positive test results

By John Estridge from Tom Linkel

Franklin County Commission President Tom Linkel usually gives a COVID-19 update during a Franklin County Commissioners meeting.

However, this week the commissioners moved their twice-monthly meeting from Tuesday, October 20, to Tuesday, October 27. Thus, with the large increase in positive test results in Franklin County, Linkel made an announcement:

“Franklin County has seen a recent spike in positive Covid-19 cases with 29 positives over a four-day period. This is the largest increase since July. At this point, the cases appear to be scattered around the county, without any particular concentration. While we are fortunately not yet aware of any serious complications, this is a good time to be extra vigilant and considerate of others around you. Please follow the known safety steps, use common sense, and err on the side of caution, particularly if you are sick or believe you have been exposed to someone who might have been.  With the election coming up in a few weeks, we want to make sure all Franklin County voters can safely and confidently get to the polls.”