FC commissioner Tom Linkel gives update on county’s COVID-19-related numbers; ISDH daily report also

By John Estridge from commissioners meeting and ISDH numbers

On Tuesday morning, September 22, Franklin County Commission President Tom Linkel read an update of numbers concerning COVID-19 in Franklin County.

Linkel said the number of positive test results in the county stands at 303. Of those, 24 have recovered, 34 are being monitored and seven are in the hospital. Also, there are no hot spots in the county and the means of transmission are not completely understood.

He said he will give county updates during the Tuesday meetings, which occur once every two weeks. He must do this because the Franklin County Health Department took down its Facebook page and dismantled the Franklin County COVID-19 Task Force.

According to the ISDH daily numbers, none of the three Whitewater Valley counties had an increase in deaths related to the virus. The three counties and their totals are: Franklin, 25; Fayette, 13; and Union, zero.

Fayette County saw one more positive case result, making its total 418. Union County did not have any increase, leaving its total at 77.

For the state, there were 652 additional positive test results for a total of 112,625 and nine more deaths bringing that total to 3,295.