FC court news

Supplied by the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Possession of methamphetamine

Elijah B. Paul pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 24 months in the Franklin County Security Center (FCSC) with 12 months suspended to probation. He was given jail time credit from Dec. 9, 2019 until the date of sentencing Aug. 4. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 12 months and was ordered to pay the Probation Users’ Fee (PUF) of $100 and a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay an Administrative Fee of $100 and a Countermeasure Fee of $200. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration.

Tamela A. Conley pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with nine months suspended to probation. She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for nine months and was ordered to pay a $100 PUF and a $30 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee and a $500 Countermeasure Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration. The defendant shall testify to the truth in all companion cases. She pleaded guilty to Possession of a Syringe as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with nine months suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. She pleaded guilty to Possession of a Controlled Substance, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 12 months in the FCSC with three months suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II. She pleaded guilty to Visiting a Common Nuisance, as a class B misdemeanor, and was sentenced to six months in the FCSC to be served concurrent to sentences imposed in Counts I, II and III. She received jail-time credit from Jan. 23 until the date of sentencing, Aug. 4.

Phillip D. Horn pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 12 months suspended to probation to be served consecutive to sentences in two other felony cases. He received credit for one-day of jail-credit time. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 12 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 and a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration.

Possession of a syringe

Danniel A. Huston pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 17 months in the FCSC with six months suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for six months and was ordered to pay a PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration. He also pleaded guilty to Driving while Suspended, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 11 months in the FCSC to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. His Operator’s License was suspended for one year effective at the date of sentencing, Aug. 4. He pleaded guilty to Operating a Vehicle with a Controlled Substance, as a class C misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC to be served concurrent with the sentences imposed in Counts I and II. His Operator’s License was suspended for 60 days effective at sentencing.

Daniel R. Massey pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 24 months in the FCSC with 10 months suspended to probation to be served consecutive to a sentence in another matter. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 10 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration.

Richard Blanton pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 11 months and 15 days in the FCSC. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was ordered to pay a $200 Countermeasure Fee. He pleaded guilty to Maintaining a Common Nuisance, as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 11 months and 15 days in the FCSC to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He pleaded guilty to Counterfeiting, as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 11 months and 15 days to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Counts I and II.

False informing

James R. Acra Jr., pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC. He was fined $1 and $185 costs.

Public intoxication

Garry M. Cain pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 172 days suspended to probation. He was ordered to complete 10 hours of Community Service. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 172 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. He pleaded guilty to Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated, as a class C misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. His Operator’s License was suspended for 60 days effective on his sentencing date, July 23. He received four days jail credit.

Operating a vehicle under lifetime suspension

Chad T. Morrison pleaded guilty as a Level 5 Felony and was sentenced to 72 months in prison with all time suspended to probation except 615 days. He was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. He was placed probation for 1,575 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. His Operator’s License was suspended for life. He was ordered to pay restitution of $1,000 to a person and $1,815 to REMC. He pleaded guilty to Criminal Conversion, as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 20 months in prison to be served concurrent with the sentence imposed in Count I. He pleaded guilty to Leaving the Scene of an Accident, as a class B misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II.

David W. Carlin pleaded guilty as a Level 5 Felony and was sentenced to six years in prison with two years suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. He was ordered to pay the PUF $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay the Administration Fee of $100. His Operator’s License was suspended for life. He pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine, as a Level 6 Felony, and was sentenced to 30 months in prison to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He was ordered to pay a $200 Countermeasure Fee.

Resisting law enforcement

Israel N. Bell pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 545 days in the FCSC with 461 days suspended to probation. He received good-time credit from Jan. 2, 2019 to Jan. 13, 2019 and 30 days credit for successful completion of in-patient treatment spent at Tara Treatment Center. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 461 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration. He also pleaded guilty to Domestic Battery, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 281 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He is prohibited from possessing firearms by operation of law. He pleaded guilty to Possession of a Controlled Substance, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 281 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II.

Operating a vehicle while intoxicated

Hayley S. Smith pleaded guilty as a class C misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. She was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. She was placed on probation for 60 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. Her Operator’s License was suspended for 60 days retroactive to the finding of Probable Cause on June 22. The state is not opposed to the defendant receiving specialized driving privileges for work, medical care for her mother during the administrative suspension.

Driving while suspended

Daniel Massey pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. His Operator’s License was suspended for 180 days effective at sentencing on July 16.


Paula S. Cooper pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 16 months suspended to probation. She was fined $250 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 16 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. She was ordered to pay $70 in restitution to be paid in full 30 days after sentencing on July 16. She is eligible to serve the executed portion of her sentence on in-home detention through the Fayette County Community Corrections. Upon successful completion of probation, if the defendant pays all restitution and complies with all other terms of probation, the state is not opposed to the judgment of conviction being entered as a misdemeanor. She received jail-time credit from Sept. 23, 2019 to Sept. 25, 2019.

Reckless driving

Suzanne Smith pleaded guilty, as a class C misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with 58 days suspended to probation. She was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. She was placed on probation for 58 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. She received jail-time credit for one day served.

Passing school bus when arm signal is extended

Glenn H. Glardon pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. He was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee.

Minor consuming

Blaze K. Propes pleaded guilty as a class C misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with 58 days suspended to probation. He was given credit for one day jail-time credit. He was ordered to complete 20 hours of Community Service. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. He was placed on probation for 58 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. An additional condition of probation is defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration.