FC Court News

Information provided by the Franklin County Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Court News

Criminal Court


Charles L. Isaacs pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the Franklin County Security Center (FCSC) with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the Probation Users’ Fee (PUF) of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. He was ordered to complete a course in Anger Management.

Leaving the scene of an accident

Jacob A. Berting pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. He was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. His Operator’s License was suspended for 180 days effective at the date of sentencing August 14. He was ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $3,017.64 to the Timberview Homeowner’s Association.

Operating a motorboat with ACE of .08

Stephen R. Jurgens pleaded guilty as a class C misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with all time suspended. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was ordered to pay a $200 Countermeasure Fee. His Bureau of Motor Vehicles Administrative Suspension was terminated.

Disorderly conduct

Zachary B. Ward pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $250 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee.

Visiting a common nuisance

Megan R. Baker pleaded guilty as a class B misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 180 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. As an additional condition of probation, the defendant shall testify as to the truth in all companion cases.

Civil Court

Default Judgment

U.S. Bank National Association vs. Hanna M. Burchette for the plaintiff in the amount of $5,978.68 less credits for $4,298.

Eagle Loan Company of Ohio, Inc. vs. Patricia Schieler for the plaintiff in the amount of $3,335.28 plus interest at the rate of 25 percent per annum from Jan. 30, 2019 until the date of judgment with the exception that no interest shall be due from March 16, 2020 through August 14, 2020 due to the Indiana COVID-19 Interest Tolling Order. And, thereafter, the date of judgment at 25 percent per annum plus costs.