FC Court News (Civil)

From the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

FC Court News

Civil Court

Default Judgment

LVNV Funding LLC vs. Adam Crank for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,078.22 plus post-judgment interest at a rate of 8 percent per annum.

Midland Credit Management Inc. vs. Roger A. Wright for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,198.25 plus post-judgment interest at the rate of 8 percent from date of judgment until satisfied.

Second Round Sub, LLC vs. Lois Johnson for the plaintiff in the amount of $916.55 plus costs.

Emery Federal Credit Union vs. Karen V. Grubbs for the plaintiff in the amount of $16,479.46 while shall accrue interest at the statutory rate of 8 percent per annum and costs.


Alician Moore and Kyle R. Little dissolution of marriage granted.
