FC Court News (Civil)

From the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Civil Court

Default Judgment

LVNV Funding, LLC vs. Loreena Hayes for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,213.28.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Bethany Monroe for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,919.54.

Portfolio Recovery Associates, LLC vs. Ronald W. Moore for the plaintiff in the amount of $779.76.

CitiBank, N.A. vs. Timothy Eads for the plaintiff in the amount of $4,651.15 plus costs.

Unifund CCR, LLC vs. Tonya Quinlan for the plaintiff in the amount of $2,280.

Consent Judgment

CitiBank N.A. vs. Annetta C. Selke for the plaintiff in the amount of $3,004.47.


Jennifer West and Allen Pfaff dissolution of marriage granted and the petitioner’s maiden name of Jennifer West was restored to her.




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