FC Court News (Civil and Small Claims)

Provided by the Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office

Civil Court


Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs. Brian Pease for the plaintiff in the amount of $845.26 plus costs together with post-judgment interest at the rate of 8 percent from February 22, 2021, until satisfied.

Bank of America, N.A. vs. Cathleen L. Tepe for the plaintiff in the amount of $6,996.86.

Default Judgment

Midland Credit Management, Inc. vs. Sonja Marcum aka Sonja Sorrell for the plaintiff in the amount of $10,807.58 plus post-judgment interest on the total judgment at a rate of 8 percent per annum and post-judgment costs of collection plus costs of $185 for a total of $10,992.58.

Small Claims

Default Judgment

Finance System of Richmond, Inc. vs. Jason R. Denney for the plaintiff in the amount of $1,832.72 plus post-judgment interest and sheriff’s service fee.

Finance System of Richmond, Inc. vs. Jordyn Fedak for the plaintiff in the amount of $938.34 plus post-judgment interest and sheriff’s service fee.




