FC Court News (Criminal)

Provided by Franklin Circuit Court Clerk’s Office


Kristina R. Wilson pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the Franklin County Security Center (FCSC) with 12 months suspended to probation to be served consecutive to all pending cases. She was given jail-time credit from July 7, 2020 to July 14, 2020. She was fined $250 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 12 months and was ordered to pay the Probation Users’ Fee (PUF) of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee and she was ordered to stay off the property of the victim. She also pleaded guilty to Possession of Methamphetamine, as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 12 months suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. As an additional condition of probation, if deemed necessary, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration and comply with all recommendations. She pleaded guilty to Possession of a Syringe as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 12 months suspended to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II.


Ronald N. Renfro pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 168 days suspended to probation. He was given credit for six actual days of jail-time credit. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 168 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay the Administrative Fee of $50. He pleaded guilty to Criminal Mischief, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 168 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I.

Charles H. Lowe II pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 315 days suspended to probation. He was given jail-time credit from July 14, 2020 to August 7, 2020. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and to have no contact with the victim.

Maintaining a Common Nuisance

Roger Metcalf pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 14 months in the FCSC with 13 months suspended to probation. Fines and fees are to be determined by Court. He was placed on probation for 13 months. As an additional condition of probation, if deemed necessary, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration and comply with all recommendations. He was ordered to enroll and successfully complete Rural Works. He also pleaded guilty to Possession of Marijuana, as a class B misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 150 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He pleaded guilty to Operating a Vehicle with Controlled Substance in the Body, as a class C misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with 30 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II. His Operator’s License was suspended for 60 days effective at sentencing, June 7.

Driving while Suspended

Zachery D. O’Neill pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 136 days in the FCSC. He was given good-time credit from June 13, 2020 to June 29, 2020 and April 26, 2021 through June 10, 2021 for a total of 63 actual days credit. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. His Operator’s License was suspended for one year effective at the day of sentencing June 14.

Cory W. Peters pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. He was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. His Operator’s License was suspended for 365 days effective at sentencing June 14.  

Possession of Methamphetamine

Stacie J. Perry pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 17 months suspended to probation. She was given jail-time credit for one day. She was fined $1 and $185 costs. She was placed on probation for 17 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. As an additional condition of probation, if deemed necessary, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration and comply with all recommendations. She was ordered to testify to the truth in all companion cases. She pleaded guilty to Unlawful Possession of a Legend Drug, as a Level 6 Felony, and sentenced to 18 months in the FCSC with 17 months suspended to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. She pleaded guilty to Possession of Marijuana, as a class B misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 180 days in the FCSC with 150 days suspended to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I and II. She pleaded guilty to Possession of Paraphernalia, as a class C misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with 30 days suspended to be served concurrent to the sentences imposed in Counts I, II and III. The Brookville Police Department or any agency having possession of the defendant’s cell phone to return said item to the Defendant.

Domestic Battery

Brendon A. Millsaps pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 12 months in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He was placed on probation for 12 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. He was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee. As a condition of probation he shall successfully complete a course in Anger Management approved by probation. He is prohibited from possessing firearms by operation of law.

Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated Endangering

Theresa A. Schaefer pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 24 months in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. She was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. She was placed on probation for 24 months and was ordered to pay the PUF of $100 plus a $30 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $100 Administrative Fee. As an additional condition of probation, if deemed necessary, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration and comply with all recommendations. Her Operator’s License was suspended for 30 months retroactive to the finding of Probable Cause on December 2, 2019. The state will stipulate this was not a chemical test refusal. State is not opposed to defendant receiving specialized driving privileges for work and medical purposes to be monitored by an ignition interlock device to be monitored by probation. She is ordered to serve six months in-home detention to be monitored by the State of Ohio. She shall serve 90 days of actual in-home detention due to good-time credit. State is not opposed to the judgment of conviction being entered as a class A misdemeanor. She pleaded guilty to Resisting Law Enforcement, as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 185 days suspended to probation to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. As an additional condition of probation, she was ordered to successfully complete a course in anger management.

Victoria C. Farrell pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with 245 days suspended to probation. She was given credit for 60 days actually served plus good-time credit for time spent in In-Patient Treatment from July 30, 2020 to September 29, 2020. She was fined $1 and $185.50 costs. She was placed on probation for 245 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. Her Operator’s License was suspended for one year retroactive to notice of suspension from the BMV on September 24, 2020. As an additional condition of probation, if deemed necessary, the defendant shall schedule an appointment for evaluation at a treatment facility approved by probation within seven days of release from incarceration and comply with all recommendations.

Battery Against a Public Safety Officer

Zackhery O’Neill pleaded guilty as a Level 6 Felony and was sentenced to 28 months and 15 days in prison to be served consecutive to a sentence imposed in a misdemeanor conviction. He was fined $1 and $185 costs. He pleaded guilty to Resisting Law Enforcement, as a class A misdemeanor, and was sentenced to 12 months in the FCSC to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I. He received jail-time credit from May 4 until present. The defendant is eligible to serve the executed portion of his sentence in prison for the reason that the defendant has two prior unrelated felony convictions and the person’s earliest possible release date is more than 365 days after sentencing.

Operating a Vehicle while Intoxicated

Mary A. Salatin pleaded guilty as a class A misdemeanor and was sentenced to 365 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to probation. She was fined $250 and $185.50 costs. She was placed on probation for 365 days and was ordered to pay the PUF of $50 plus a $20 monthly fee. She was ordered to pay a $50 Administrative Fee and a $200 Countermeasure Fee. Her Operator’s License was suspended for one year retroactive to the finding of Probable Cause on October 15, 2020. Specialized driving privileges entered on December 29, 2020 shall remain in effect. She also pleaded guilty to Illegal Possession of Alcohol as a class C misdemeanor and was sentenced to 60 days in the FCSC with all time suspended to be served concurrent to the sentence imposed in Count I.